
Sunday, December 1, 2019

Social News From Hickory Daily Record, Dec. 1, 1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, Monday Evening, December 1, 1919


Miss Jessie Bird spent Thanksgiving at Morganton with her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Shuford left today in their car for Florida to spend the winter.

Mrs. Thos. M. Berry of Cheraw, S.C., is the guest of her son, Mr. L.C. Berry, and aunt, Mrs. J.A. Sellers.

Miss Naomi Coblentz returned to Johnson City yesterday after spending several days in the city with Mrs. Russell M. Yount.

Mrs. J.T. Regan and children returned yesterday from Gastonia and Lincolnton where they spent several days with relatives.

Misses Evangeline Etley, Elizabeth Manson and Miss Poindexter and Miss Naomi Trent were Charlotte visitors over Thanksgiving.

Cards received today from Mrs. E.D. Yoder at Rochester, Minn., state that she is getting along nicely and liking Rochester splendidly.

The Hickory Music Club will meet with Mrs. Geo. Bailey Tuesday night, December 9, instead of tomorrow night. The postponement is on account of the death of Mrs. Bonnenhousen, mother of Mrs. Geo. N. Hutten.

Mrs. J.S. Carr and Miss Cora Carr of Charlotte were guests Saturday and yesterday of Mr. and Mrs. E.N. Carr. Mrs. Carr accompanied them home for a few day’s visit and to attend the John McCormack concert tonight.

Mr. Henry Furman of Charlotte spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Mozelle Furman. Mr. Furman expects to remove his family from Charlotte to Savannah the latter part of this week.

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