
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Wilson County Poultry Show Week of Dec. 30th, 1919

From the front page of The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Wednesday, Dec. 24, 1919

Wilson County Poultry Show Opens Next Tuesday, December 30th, and Holds for the Week. . . Prospects Are Fine

A number of enthusiastic poultry fanciers and those interested in the feathered fowls and the success of the coming Wilson County Poultry Show which opens in this city in the Centen Brick Warehouse and holds one week beginning Tuesday, Dec. 30th and closes January 3rd, gathered in the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce last evening and put the finishing touches on the preparations for the exhibit, including the election of officers and the appointment of a committee to solicit funds in order to finance the enterprise.

We bespeak for the committee a generous donation that the show this year which promises so auspiciously may excel and the previous shows which have placed Wilson on the map from one end of the country to the other and marked it as the center of the poultry industry of the South. Right here we desire to commend those who have worked so indefatigably to make it a success, and in that way have contributed to the prosperity of the country and the better living of the folks for succulent fowls and eggs are a most delicious and nutritious diet and more of them should be raised in this country.

At the meeting last night Secretary G.T. Fulghum read a number of letters from various fanciers over the country expressing a determination to have their birds on exhibit, and the general attendance promises well. The indications are that the exhibit of birds from this section will be larger than ever and the people here are urged to send their birds in. One purpose of the show is to quicken the interest in poultry among the people of this section and eastern North Carolina.

After the various details of the show were discussed and the details arranged, the election of officers was gone into which resulted as follows:

President—E.F. Killette

Vice President—E.C. Fulghum

Secretary and Treasurer—G.T. Fulghum

Assistant Secretary—A.A. Ruffin

Superintendents—Ed Nutall and W.W. Simms

Directors—Kirby Woodard, Doane Herring, W.W. Simms, E.F. Killette, Elmer Oettinger, Fred Eagles, R.P. Watson, R.E. Townsend, I.J. Williams, G.T. Fulghum, E.C. Fulghum, Ed Nutall, Tom Cozart.

A committee composed of Messrs. E.C. Fulghum and A.A. Privett will call on you and help out in this enterprise.

Another meeting will be held in the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce at 8 o’clock Friday evening. Be certain to attend.

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