
Thursday, January 23, 2020

American Legion Post News From Hickory, Newton, Jan. 23, 1920

From the Hickory Daily Record, Jan. 23, 1920

Name Is Chosen for Hickory Post

Hickory Post, No. 48, American Legion. That’s its name. The name was chosen in a well attended meeting last night in the hall of the Knights of Pythias and by that will it be known in the future. The members, 50 of whom attended, did a lot of planning for the future and took action leading to the promotion of the welfare of their members.

One of the first matters that came up was the question of an entertainment committee. Dr. J.H. Shuford, A.C. Henderson and L.C. Berry were appointed on this. A committee to lock after the insurance of former service men and to help them retain their Liberty Bonds and assist them in other ways financial was named. It consists of H.R. Aiken, L.C. Berry and E.N. Carr.

Discussion of the advisability of having a club room, where periodicals, books and magazines may be read and where may be spent many social hours was most animate. The general idea was that the upper room of one of the new buildings to be erected in Hickory this year should be secured as a club room, fitted up for the boys and made a home for them. The question will be put up to the people of Hickory and their assistance if they are interested, will be sought.

The post received a 16-volumn encyclopedia from the Knights of Columbus, shipped express prepaid from New York, for which the members return thanks.

Seven new members were added to the roster, which now contains more than 125 names. The new members are John W. Aiken, Oscar Deaton, Claude Abernethy, Arthur Bradford, Walter T. Carpenter, Chas. M. Deal, and Hubert P Suttlemeyre.

Chairman F. Lawrence Cline presided over the meeting and Secretary Russell M. Yount kept the minutes.


Newton Post to Hold Smoker Feb. 22

Newton, Jan. 23—The Newton post of the American Legion held its regular bi-monthly meeting in the court house last night, a number of the post members being in attendance. The routine business of the post was transacted, and a number of interesting committee reports were heard looking forward toward the further development of the league in this section. 

About 20 new members have been admitted to the Newton post since the last meeting and 50 additional members are expected to be. A permanent membership committee was appointed to pass on applications for membership in the post, and investigate the qualifications of all prospected members. 

A committee was also appointed to make final arrangements for a “Get together” meeting and smoker on Washington’s birthday, to which meeting all former service men will be invited, whether members of the legion or not.

The building committee which has in charge the question of plans for the community house reported satisfactory progress in securing a lot in Newton which is centrally located, and committee was empowered to take an option on the property desired and submit final plans for the proposed building. The post will be ready to begin soliciting funds for this project shortly.

Membership in the national American Legion has now passed the two million mark in the United States and its territories, and this association of former service men is now probably the strongest single organization in the country. Its influence is already being felt in the nation.

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