
Sunday, January 26, 2020

American Soldiers, Red Cross Workers in Siberia Captured, Jan. 26, 1920

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., January 26, 1920

Americans in Siberia Captured. . . Bolsheviki Capture Polish Army, 7 Americans, Members Red Cross. . . Consul Sends Message

Washington, Jan. 26—No report has been received regarding the capture by the Bolsheviki force of a group of American railroad engineers and a party of the American Red Cross in Siberia, according to press dispatched. No confirmation of these reports have been received either by the state department or at the headquarters of the American Red Cross in this city.

Chita, East Siberia, Monday, Jan 19—Via. Habin, Manchuria, Tuesday, Jan. 20, by the Associated Press—Colonel Blunt and 7 other American engineers, Miss Ford, Captain Charette and several other members of the American Red Cross and an entire Polish army, composed of former prisoners, have been captured by the bolsheviki at Kiiuchinskaya, according to a garbled telegram received from Joseph H. Ray, former American consul at Irkutsk.

The dispatch from Mr. Ray was sent from somewhere beyond Nizniudinsk, January 14. It was somewhat garbled in transmission. Kluchinskaya is on the trans-Siberian railway 100 miles west of Nizhniudinsk.

The Zechs are fighting a rear guard action with the Reds near Krasnovarsk, Bolshevism is gaining in Clhita. Ernest L. Harris, former American consul at Omsk, is still in Chita.

The British, Japanese and French missions and many members of the American Red Cross have arrived in Habin.

The only officer in the American Army named Blount is Maj. (Captain of Calvary) Wiilfred M. Blount, who according to the latest available army directory, was stationed at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga.

Major Blount Stationed in California, Report Says

Chattanooga, Tenn., Jan. 25—Major Wilfred C. Blount, mentioned in connection with the capture of the United States engineers in Siberia, and who was formerly stationed at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., is no win command of a battalion of the Eleventh Calvary at Mexicala, Cal., according to friends here. The latest army record shows two other Colonels Blunt, both of them retired.

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