
Sunday, January 5, 2020

Immigration Considers Concentration Camps to Hold Communists, Jan. 5, 1920

From the Hickory Daily Record, Jan. 5, 1920. Today people worry about folks who have gotten into the United States without following the proper rules. In 1920, citizens and non-citizens alike were being expelled if they were considered radicals, with communists being the primary target.

Agents at Work Rounding Up Radicals, January 5, 1920

By the Associated Press

Washington, Jan. 5—Although nearly 5,000 persons have been arrested since the latest radical raid was started Friday night, agents of the department of justice were seeking today members of the communist party who escaped the first drag net.

Apparently New York and Chicago were the chief centers of activity. Several hundred warrants were still to be served today.

Nearly 3,000 persons have been held for deportation proceedings and because of the congested conditions at Ellis Island, all of them cannot be held there. It was said that if all the army and navy branches were removed, there would be ample room for the reds.

Immigration officers would not discuss the report that they would ask the war department for either Camp Mills or Camp Upton as a concentration camp.

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