
Thursday, January 9, 2020

Local News Column from Alamance Gleaner, Jan. 8, 1920

From the Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., January 8, 1920

Local News

--There was a slight spit of snow Sunday. Not enough to cover the ground. Monday morning was the coldest so far this winter. The thermometer registered around 4 above zero.

--The Parent-Teachers’ Association meets next Monday night at 7 o’clock at the Graded School building.

--Circle No. 1 of the Presbyterian church will meet at 3 o’clock next Monday afternoon with Mrs. Lynn B. Williamson.

--Mr. E.H. Meeks is now associated with Messrs. Rich & Thompson’s furniture house. He has had some 10 years successful experience in the retail furniture business in Greensboro and other places and is a valuable addition to the working force of the house.

--Mr. Edgar Long sold his farm about a mile and a half southeast of Graham a few months ago. He has bought the Albert J. Thompson residence on Albright Ave. and moved in the latter part of last week.

--Postmaster R.N. Cook is putting 120 new lock boxes in the post office this week, which is a sure indication of the increasing business of the office. There were no vacant lock boxes and it will be a matter of but a short while till all the new boxes are taken.

--News has reached here of the marriage of Mr. Dean R. Holt on Christmas Day to Miss Vera Latshaw at Dowiac, Mich. Mr. Holt went to Glen Cove, N.Y., a few days after coming home after getting his discharge from the army to accept a position. He is a son of Mrs. Sidney B. Holt and a brother of Messers. A. Lacy and Ben B. Holt of Graham. He has the good wishes of his numerous friends here for a happy and prosperous married life.

--Mr. J.D. Kernodle Jr. returned this morning from a flying trip of 10 days to Texas.

--Mrs. J.J. Barefoot is in Greensboro to see a specialist about removing her little son William’s tonsils.

--Messrs. Willard Goley, Thos. Cooper and L.B. Bradshaw returned to school at Chapel Hill the first of the week.

--Misses Margaret Hunter and Lucile Holms returned Monday to school in Raleigh, the former to Peace Institute and the latter to Meredith College.

--Mr. Oliver Clark and Miss Elsie Hadley were married at the residence of Mr. Z.T. Hadley in Graham Thursday afternoon, January 1st, 1920, and left on the 6 o’clock train for northern cities. Mr. Clark is the rural mail carrier at Snow Camp in Newlin township on route No. 2, and is a son of Mr. John G. Clark. Miss Hadley is the charming daughter of Mrs. Flora Hadley of Snow Camp. Miss Hadley has taught in Newlin township for several years. For the last year she has been in Graham with Mr. Z.T. Hadley. On their return, they will reside at his home near Snow Camp

--On Dec. 26th, 1919, Wesley Morris Smith of Norfolk, Va., and Mrs. Sallie Smith of Haw River were united in marriage in the office of the Register of Deeds in the courthouse, T.P. Bradshaw Esz, Justice of the Peace, officiating.

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