
Saturday, January 4, 2020

Local News From Alamance Gleaner, Jan. 1, 1920

From The Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., Thursday, January 1, 1920

Local News Items

--Graham enjoyed a quiet and orderly Christmas. Not a single arrest was made during the holidays. This speaks well for the town.

--The Graded School will reopen next Monday.

--The County Commissioners will meet next Monday, January 5th.

--The Woman’s Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church will meeting Monday afternoon, Jan. 5th, at 3:30 in the ladies’ parlor.

--The Ladies’ Aid Society of Graham Christian church will meet Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 7th, at 3 o’clock with Mrs. J.D. Kernodle.

--The U.D.C.meeting has been postponed from Jan. 1st to Jan. 8th. They will meet Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock with Mrs. R.L. Holmes.

--Rev. F.C. Lester went to Greensboro the first of the week for a throat operation. It was entirely successful and he is getting on nicely.

--A fine baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Switzer on Christmas Day. Mrs. Switzer is at the home of her mother in Brooklyn, N.Y.

--An entertainment was given at the Baptist church the night before Christmas, and among the gifts distributed was a purse of $50 that gladden the heart of the Pastor.

--Night Policeman Boyd R. Trollinger caught a rabbit on the court house square about 4 o’clock Monday morning. Br’er rabbit either stayed out too late or stirred too soon.

--Mr. Phil S. Dixon commenced to move Monday to the Gov. Holt home at Haw River, which he purchased a few days ago, and Mr. Julius Thompson also commenced to move the same day to the former residence of Mr. Dixon on S. Main St., which he has purchased.


Mid’n Michael Holt Kernodle of the U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., spent from Christmas morning till Sunday night at his home here.

Mr. Arthur Ezell of Charlotte spent Christmas here with relatives.

Mr. Julius Johnston of Washington, D.C., spent Christmas at his home here.

Mr. Frank Foust of Raeford spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Thos. C. Foust, near here.

Mr. Clyde Hunter of Raleigh visited his mother, Mrs. C.S. Hunter, here during the holidays.

Mr. Lovick H. Kernodle, living in Washington, D.C., spent Christmas Day at his home here.

Miss Lorena Kernoodle arrived home Christmas Day and returned to Richmond, Va., Sunday night.

Miss Mary Caldwell, in school at Agnes Scott College, is here visiting her brother, Rev. E.N. Caldwell.

Miss Mary Walker, who teaches at Buffalo near Greensboro, is spending the holidays here with her mother, Mrs. Ida Walker.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred (“Shag”) Thompson of Chester, Pa., spent Christmas here at the home of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Ezell.

Mr. P.A. Hayes of Greensboro was here Tuesday.

Mr. H.L. Crawford of Greensboro spent Sunday here.

Mr. Chas. A. Scott spent Sunday in Winston-Salem.

Mrs. Will E. White is visiting relatives in Charlotte.

Mr. John G. Clark, near Snow Camp, is in town today.

Mr. Allen B. Thompson leaves tonight for New York on business.

Mr. J. Harvey White spent the first of the week at Red Springs.

Mr. L.E. Klutz of Greensboro was a Graham visitor during the holidays.

Mr. Herbert Lyon of Kinston spent the holidays here with friends.

Mrs. Ollie Brown and children of Raleigh are visiting Mrs. J.J Barefoot.

Mrs. Phipps, near Greensboro, is here visiting her daughter, Mrs. Walter R. Harden.

Mrs. Mary A. Martin of Mcoresboro is here visiting her brother, Mr. C.P. Albright.

Mr. Armstrong Hold spent a day or two of the holidays with his sister, Miss Martha Holt in Asheville.

Mr. John G. turner spent Christmas with his sister, Mrs. E.F. Maddrey in Raleigh.

Mr. and Mrs. Willie A. McAdams spent Christmas with the latter’s people in Goldsboro.

Miss Virginia McGruder of Danville is here visiting her aunt, Mrs. Lynn B. Williamson.

Miss Mamie Turner of Raleigh spent a part of the holidays here with her sister, Mrs. H.W. Scott.

Mrs. Tim Hay and children of Greensboro visited Mrs. J.B. Montgomery the latter part of the week.

Miss Margaret Snyder of Baltimore spent the holidays here with Mr. J.J. Snyder and Mrs. Allen D. Tate.

Mr. W.D. Reaves of the Piedmont Motor Sales Co. left Tuesday night on a business trip for New York.

Mr. Willie P. Harder of Greensboro spent Christmas Day here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. R. Harder.

Mrs. Carl Hill and little daughter of High Point spent Tuesday and yesterday here with her aunt, Mrs. McBride Hold.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Harden and children spent last Sunday with the former’s brother, Mr. Thos. R. Harden, in Greensboro.

Little Miss Cornelia Pomeroy of Charlotte is here visiting her sister, little Miss Elizabeth Hill Pomeroy, at Mrs. J. Harvey White’s.

Mr. George Snyder, who is living in Baltimore, arrived here Christmas morning on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Snyder.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Cooper and their two little daughters spent Christmas here with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Cooper.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Estlow of Washington, D.C., spent the holidays here at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Estlow.

Messers. Wm. Edgar and Fenton Woodfield of Richmond, Va., arrived here Saturday for a few days’ visit to their sister, Mrs. Wm. P. Smith.

Mr. M.L. King spent from Wednesday till Tuesday with his children, Mr. A.L. King, Mrs. Eugene D. Clutter and Mrs. B.M. Hall in Danville, Va.

Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Moore of Raeford arrived Sunday evening on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Junius H. Harden. Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Harden are sisters.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Knight of Durham spent part of the holidays here with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. P. Smith, and other relatives.

Mr. Chas. S. Murphy of High Point spent from Christmas Day till Saturday visiting his mother, Mrs. Stanford Murphy, two miles southeast of Graham.

Dr. and Mrs. J.N. Taylor and children left Christmas morning for Rock Hill, S.C., to visit Dr. Taylor’s mother and returned Sunday. They made the trip by automobile.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Causey and children of Greensboro spent from Friday till Sunday here visiting at the home of Mrs. Causey’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Scott Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Jas. K. Mebane, after spending the holidays with relatives here and at Mebane, left this morning for Washington, D.C., where they are making their home.

Among the Sick

Miss Hannah Turner, now in her 87th year, was quite sick Wednesday. She is very much better now.

Mrs. Jno. R Harder is confined to her home by sickness.

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