
Saturday, January 4, 2020

Local News from Polk County, Jan. 2, 1920

From the Polk County News and The Tryon Bee, Friday, January 2, 1920


The Tryon Casino Club was organized at a meeting held at Oak Hall on last Friday night. The club will repair and open the old Casino at Mimosa as a place of amusement for our people and visitors. Billiard and pool tables, bowling alleys, dancing floor and such other things will be installed. As the program committee perfects their plans for entertainment, they will be announced through the News.

Wilkins & co. have moved their stock of goods from their temporary location to their new fire-proof building, where they are now ready to care for the wants of their many friends and customers.

Mr. C.J. Lynch went to Columbus, S.C., Tuesday.

Miss Amelia M. Watson will show her water colors of Southern and Northern scenery at the Ferris House on Melrose Ave. on Wednesdays, 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 5 p.m., other times by appointment. Phone 55-3.

There has been a suit filed in the Superior Court of Polk county against Mrs. Mary D. Osborne, executrix of the will of the late Mrs. J.F. Ricks, by J.C. Raines and others for the purpose of having the will properly construed by the court. The plaintiffs allege that they are beneficiaries under certain clauses of the will and the executrix has denied them of their rights under such clauses. The plaintiffs have employed Mr. Mack P. Spears of Columbus as their counsel and the defendant is represented by Mr. Jno. M. Robinson of Charlotte.

Mr. B.L. Ballenger was a business visitor in Asheville Tuesday.

The studio at Lynncote was burned yesterday morning about 8 o’clock. When the fire was discovered it had gained such headway that it was impossible to save anything. The building and contents were a total loss.

Wanted: A small farm with big house. It must be cheap. Address Homeseeker, care of Polk County News.

Mrs. Chas Grover of Lynn Mass., is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. E.E. Missindine.

The Christmas tree held in the Town Hall for the Mountain children was as susual a big success. About 140 being cared for, each receiving an orange, a bar of candy and a toy of some kind. Miss Beatson wishes to thank those who made it possible to have this gathering each year by their unsolicited donations, also the girls of the Rainbow Club, who ably assisted The Helping Hand society, under the superivison of Mrs. John Orr served coffee and cakes.

Miss Virginia Butler, after spending the holidays with relatives here, returned to her home in Atlanta, Ga.

Dr. M.C. Palmer announces that he has associated with him Dr. Allen James Jervey, formerly of Charleston, S.C., for the practice of medicine and surgery. Dr. Jervey has leased the Bushnell cottage of Godshaw HIll.

Messrs. Robert A. Carruth and Frank Page of Landrum, S.C., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Leonard, Sunday.

No doubt but that the Clerk of the Superior Court for Polk County has been for the past few weeks laboring on one of the largest documents of its kind that has ever gone on the records of Polk County. The document in question is the last will and testament of the late Mrs. Katherine C. Ferris of Tryon. This document consists of 70 typewritten pages and conveys a large estate.

Miss Mossie Edwards returned Sunday from a week’s visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.A. Edwards of Mill Spring.

Wanted: A cheap farm with big house in exchange for desirable property in a large town. Address Exchange, care of Polk County News.

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