
Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Pilot Mountain News, January 8, 1920

From the Mount Airy News, January 8, 1920

Pilot Mountain News

Pilot Mountain, Dec. 31--A Christmas program was rendered by the Methodist Sunday school last Tuesday night. The opening address was made by the superintendent, J.S. Patterson. Prayer and a short talk by the pastor Rev. J.W. Combs. At the close of the exercises an offering was taken for the children’s Home, amounting to $14. Treats were given the children.

A banquet was given by the Junior Order at the High school building on last Friday night in honor of the wives, sisters, and sweet-hearts of the Juniors. Special music was furnished for the occasion. Speakers for the occasion were introduced by J.P. Fulk, secretary of the Local camp. The first address was on foreign immigration by Mr. Mendenall of Greensboro, Numa R. Reid of Madison, state councilor for the order, delivered a brilliant and inspiring address on the principles of the Junior Lodge. The menu was as follows: fried and stewed oysters, baked chicken, creamed potatoes, pickles, bread, coffee, grape juice, and oranges. About 300 guests enjoyed this pleasant occasion.

Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Swanson gave a party at their home last Monday night in honor of their son, Paul Swanson. About 30 young people were present and after spending some time at games and music, they were led to the dining room where delicious cake and dessert were served, nuts and candy.
The entertainment given by the Baptist Sunday school on Wednesday night was very much enjoyed by the large number present. Talks were made by I.M. Gordon and Will Redman. Treats were given the children.

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