
Sunday, January 12, 2020

Rev. Haymore Thanks Mt. Airy for Pounding, Jan. 8, 1920

From the Mount Airy News, January 8, 1920

A Pounding

By Rev. C.C. Haymore

Sitting with my wife on New Year’s eve, talking quietly and feeling sad over the death of the old year, we were very much gratified when Bro. McCarter and wife called on us about 8 o’clock. A few minutes later it seemed as though a multitude came up on the front porch. I thought it was a wedding party, but it proved to be a pounding instead. They were from the Second Baptist church and it seemed they brought us some of everything, from a box of cigars to a doll baby. We certainly appreciated their visit as well as their gifts. I love all the members of the Second church because they were true to me at the end of my pastorate there, and I am ready at any time to welcome them to my home.

After they left I told my wife that this would be our last pounding, the thought of being out of the pastorate throws a shadow over me that is hard to overcome, but notwithstanding I hope to be faithful to the church to the end. Many thanks to the good people of the Second church.

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