
Friday, January 17, 2020

Wilson Athletic Association Considering Al Birdwell for Manager, Jan. 17, 1920

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., January 17, 1920

Have Hired Prospective Manager

The committee to select a manager for the Wilson Athletic Association met last evening in the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce and after canvassing the various officers from prominent baseball players over the country, decided to wire for Al Birdwell to come to Wilson for a conference with the management here. The committee is composed of Messrs. J.C. Eagles, C.B. West, Lt. Ben Smith, Will Adams, and H.E. Borlow.

Mr. Birdwell is a noted baseball player, having served with the Giants of New York up to about three years ago. He has been with the Houston, Texas, team during the past season, and pulled that club to second place.

Work has already begun on the park, and the tobacco stalks are being raked up and will be burned. Mr. Wyatt the contractor is at work on the grandstand.

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