
Thursday, February 6, 2020

County Nurse Had to Spend Two Hours Cutting Wood at Home of Flu Sufferer; County Health Officer Asks Relatives, Friends, Neighbors to Help the Sick, Feb. 6, 1920

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., February 6, 1920

Influenza News

By L.J. Smith, Health Officer

We understand that our nurse, Miss Newman, had to go to the home of Mr. Denny, whose family are all ill with influenza and cut wood to build fires. Now it appears to the writer that the efforts of a highly trained nurse, as scarce as they are, should be directed toward nursing the sick instead of cutting wood. It would seem that Mr. Denny’s friends and neighbors know nothing about his needs in this respect or I am sure some one would have lent a hand.

The point is this, relatives, friends and neighbors, are you going to sit still and “Let George do it?”

It is unjust and impossible to expect Mrs. Barrett and Miss Newman to do everything necessary in this epidemic. Trained nurses cannot be had for every one, therefore if the helpless sick are to be cared for properly, relatives, friends and neighbors must help each other.

We understand the good ladies of the town have been preparing food for the stricken families and are still willing and anxious to continue this good work, so if any one knows of a family not receiving proper food and help, and you are not able to render the help necessary, please telephone the Health department, phone number 793. If possible we will assist with what help we have.

The disease seems not to be among many of the very poor people, therefore the help needed now will be paid for by the sick. A man may be worth a million dollars and yet suffer for attention.

Go to the rescue, relative, friend and neighbor.

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