
Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Local News From Mabel and Training School in Watagua, N.C., Feb. 19, 1920

From The Watauga Democrat, Boone, N.C., Thursday, Feb. 19, 1920

Mabel Items

Mr. John F. Oliver has just recently closed (opened?) a singing school at Union church. Mr. Oliver is a very competent man in the place.

Mr. W.M. Thomas, who has been seriously ill, is again permitted to be up and going.

Messrs. Chas. H. and Lloyd S. Isaacs left recently for Elizabethton, Tenn., where the latter has accepted a position in the office with the Pittsburg Lumber Company.

Miss Fae Greer is visiting relatives and friends in Boone.

Another new grocery store in the village, Mr. C.C. Greer being the financier.

Training School Items

Watauga is in the grip of a pretty severe snow storm since Saturday the 14th. It is clear today and colder, the thermometer standing at from 2 to 4 above zero, with the wind blowing a gale.

The influenza situation has caused some anxiety in Boone and compelled the town authorities to quarantine the Training School, stop all crowds from assembling, and discontinue all picture shows and Sunday School and Church services till the conditions improve.

Miss McCartney, a trained nurse from the State Health Department, was at chapel exercises of the Training School on Wednesday and make a most sensible talk on keeping healthy in general and on the immediate conditions of the influenza situation. She is still with the School looking after the influenza patients and training some of the young men and young ladies to care for the sick ones. The school is indeed fortunate in having her, for she is looking after conditions so well that no new cases have developed in a number of days. All cases are reported as improved, thus greatly relieving the anxiety of the friends and patrons of the School, and it is now hoped that no further spread of the disease may take place.

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