
Thursday, February 27, 2020

Local News Items From Roanoke Rapids Herald, Feb. 27, 1920

From the Roanoke Rapids Herald, Feb. 27, 1920

Roanoke Rapids Personal and Local Items

Mr. Roger Warren last Monday sold his interest in the partnership of Cook and Warren to Mr. S.C. Cook, the other member of the same. The business will be continued by Mr. Cook at the same stand. We understand Mr. Warren will go with the Weldon Grocery Company as traveling salesman.
Mr. Ivey Mohorn has accepted a position with Harrison & Thomas.

The friends of Lewis N. Taylor are glad to see him on our streets again. Mr. Taylor suffered a severe attack of influenza while visiting his parents at Oxford.

Mr. Gaines Thomas, who is a student at the University of Medicine in Richmond, was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. H.P. Thomas.

Miss Mabel Fourham of Baltimore has arrived to take charge of the B. Marks Millinery Department.

Mrs. W.S. Hancock and son Allen spent Wednesday in Littleton with relatives.

Rev. Stanley White spent several days in Richmond this week.

Dr. D.F. Patchin has returned from New York to spend some time here.

Mr. Bruce Tillery is spending some time here in the home of his parents.

Mr. Francis F. Patterson spent several days in Charlotte this week visiting friends and relatives.

Messrs. Whitehurst, Ivey Moore and Irvin Pender of Tarboro spent Sunday here with friends.

Miss Fannie Towe is spending some time here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Towe.

Misses Verna Davenport and Alma Grooms of Richmond spent the week-end here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Jones.

Mr. Witherspoon has accepted a position with the National Loan and Insurance Company.

Mr. F.C. Williams spent the week-end in Franklin with his parents.

Mr. J.B. Edmonds is visiting relatives in Henderson this week.

Mr. F.M. Coburn and Harry C. Shell spent several days in Lynchburg and Richmond this week on business.

Mr. Herbert Brantley has accepted a position with Roanoke Pharmacy.

The Roanoke Rapids Mothers Club will meet next Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock with Mrs. J.W. House.


Powelltown Items

Many new cases of influenza have been reported this week but few pneumonia cases.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cook spent Sunday at Jackson with relatives.

South Rosemary School celebrated George Washington’s birthday with an interesting program Friday morning at chapel. Misses Cherry, Leatherwood and Williams were guests. Several school patrons were present also.

Miss Burwell Patterson is ill at her home in Littleton.

Miss Mamie Fulgham called in Powelltown this week.

Mrs. Powell’s kitchen was the scene of a candy stew and pull Saturday evening. Several Powelltown young people pulled candy with the teachers.

Mr. Doc Hux and son of Norfolk, Va., were guests of Mr. Jerry Hockaday this week.

Mr. L.A. Daniel has sold his garage to Messrs. Root and Davis.


Powellville Items
Miss Iola Gray entertained a very surprising affair in honor of her 19th birthday last Friday at 8. The list of guests included some of our well known citizens in this community. Mr. G.W. Myrick of Roanoke Rapids, Mr. P.W. King, Mr. Jerry Hockaday and Miss Hockaday of South Rosemary, Misses Medlin, Harrison, Snipes, Bettie Shell, Lottie Hudson, Lula and Annie Bell Gray, Mr. Eugene Etheridge, Mr. Bryant of Rosemary, Bryant Gray, and Mr. Shell. We wish for her much success in the future.
Rosemary Personal and Local Items

Messrs. Davis and Spence of Norfolk, Va., have purchased the Daniel garage in South Rosemary. We learn they are expert automobile men. They say it will be around 10 days before they can get ready for business.

Mrs. Lee Cooper of Philadelphia is visiting Mr. and Mrs. B.P. Cooper at the Shelton Hotel.

Mr. Wm. Teiser of Raleigh spent Wednesday in Rosemary.

Mr. T.H. Williamson of Goldsboro was here Wednesday.

Mr. Ley of Honeoye Falls, N.Y., spent several days in Rosemary this week.

Rev. A.G. Carter left yesterday afternoon to attend a church meeting at Sharpsburg.

Mrs. A.G. Carter left yesterday to visit relatives in Rocky Mount.

Mr. John L. Patterson of Richmond spent Wednesday and Thursday in Rosemary.

Mr. R.E. Gill of Fredericksburg, Va., spent Wednesday in town.

Mr. W.H. Boydton of Hampton, Va., was here Wednesday.

Mr. Earl M. Stauffacker, aviator, who was injured by being struck by the propeller of his aeroplane near Rosemary a few weeks ago, has sufficiently recovered to be able to travel. He left Thursday afternoon for a visit to his relatives in Ackley, Iowa. Mr. Stauffacker made many friends while here who regret his departure.

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