
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Robert Davis Arrested For Insurance Scam, Feb. 5,1920

From the Forest City Courier, Thursday, Feb. 5, 1920

A novel scheme to defraud the negroes of Rutherford county was discovered a few days ago when chief of police R.L. Houser and deputy sheriff J.W. Jones arrested a negro man who have his name as Robert Davis, and claimed Hickory Grove, S.C., as his home. Davis claimed to be a census enumerator and told the negro men that the government required them to take out life insurance under a penalty ranging from $1,000 to $5,000. His fee for the alleged service was $6 and after having lined up about 30 negroes around Rutherfordton with the expectation of collecting his pay of $6 from each one of them, a suspicious party reported him to the police and he was arrested as above stated. The negro fills the description of the man wanted at Reidsville charged with murder and for whom a reward of $50 has been offered. A photograph and description has been sent to the authorities at Reidsville and he is being held in jail pending an investigation. The chief of police from Hickory Grove was in Rutherfordton yesterday and identified the negro as Robert Davis from Hickory Grove, who is wanted thee by the authorities charged with stealing. Davis will doubtless have a preliminary hearing before Recorder Judge McBrayer within a few days and if not convicted will be turned over to the authorities of Hickory Grove.

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