
Saturday, February 8, 2020

Welcoming the Howard-Hickory Company, Feb. 7, 1920

From the editorial page of the Hickory Daily Record, February 7, 1920

Welcome to Hickory

The Howard-Hickory Company which will be chartered by the secretary of state to conduct a general nursery and landscape garden business, will be a new year present in which everybody in this section may take pride. In addition to establishing a great nursery business here, the new enterprise will bring to the city and section a man who has made good in his business and is ready to unite with progress business men in adding to the number of worth while enterprises here.

Mr. O. Joe Howard, for 22 years with the Van Lindley Nursery Company of Greensboro, is not only one of the foremost nursery men in the south, but possesses the business ability that is so essential to success. Mr. Howard and family will be quite an asset to Hickory.

The Record and all the people of Hickory will give the Howard-Hickory Company all the encouragement in their power and we will help the managers and directors to make it a success on a large scale. That is their purpose and our purpose should be to help.

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