
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

City Council Rejects Bids for New City Hall, Approves New Street Light, Sidewalks, March 24, 1920

From the Hickory Daily Record, Wednesday evening, March 24, 1920

Reject All Bids on Municipal Building

City council last night received three bids for the construction of the municipal building and rejected them all on account of the extreme high cost of materials. Besides this, the board transactd a variety of routine work and prepared for opening bids next Tuesday night for the building of a sewerage disposal plant.

All the bidders on the municipal building are Hickory contractors and one bid was loter than that made by the Elliott Building Company three weeks ago. This was put in by Abee, Moss & Stroup and was for $117,900. The Hewitt Construction Company offered to do the work for $131,000 or $121000 on a fee basis, sharing any profits with the city, and Moser, Bumgarner & Abee were willing to undertake the job for $118,800. All were rejected as was stated and the question was left open temporarily.

Five hundred copies of the charter of the city of Hickory were ordered printed, the supply being exhausted and practically e very city in the county contemplating a change in charter is writing for a copy. It is thought that 500 copies of the charter, which will include the latest amendments, will be sufficient for several years.

City Manager Henry reported that he had examined the armory to determine if it would be safe for a skating rink and he stated that the front part might be dangerous. The question of a rink was again taken under advisement. Lieutenant Bowman of the Hickory cavalry had asked permission to open a rink in the auditorium to raise money for the troop.

A petition for a light on Federal street in front of the Henkel stables was received and the light ordered installed.

A petition asking for sidewalks on Twelfth avenue between Twelfth street and Tenth street was received and filed and the work ordered done as soon as practicable. The signers were Dr. T.F. Stevenson, G.C. Warlick, J.W. Bowles, Herman Payne, M.M. Sigmon, K.C. Menzies, H.R. Winkler, J.F. Abernethy and Dr. O.L. Hollar.

The question of a banquet to be given by councilman Cilley, the honored member of the board who retires on his laurels, was discussed informally and Mr. Cilley allowed to fix the date. Former Mayor Yount, who was present on other business, said that the banquet was in order and that its giver, according to custom, is the senior member of the board who retired at the end of a term. There was no argument and the members decided that they would do all in their power to make it a success.

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