
Monday, March 16, 2020

Gladys, 17, and Grace Edwards, 15, Die of Flu; Join Four Brothers and Sisters Who Have Already Passed, March 16, 1920

From The Monroe Journal, Tuesday, March 16, 1920

In Memory of Misses Gladys and Grace Edwards

Misses Gladys and Grace Edwards, the two loving daughters of Mr. and Mrs. T.M. Edwards of Marshville township, were called away by the death angel, one on the 13th of February and the other on the 16th, both of whom died of pneumonia following influenza.

Gladys, who was the first to die, was 17 years old, and Grace, 15. They were most dutiful daughters, loving sisters, and especially devoted to each other. They both joined Gilboa Methodist church the same time three years ago, and have been faithful to their Sunday school and church obligations, never wanting to miss a service for anything. Oh, they will be missed so much, especially in the song service. They were always in the mood of singing at church, at home, at work, or at plat. Gladys sang several pieces before she died, and asked that her Sunday school class sing at her funeral, and that they sing the Sunday school songs. She seemed to realize that she was going to die, and planned several things. She seemed especially to want to tell her father something and called him several times, but he beng in another room very ill himself, could not come and hear the farewell message she had for him, and he only saw her wasted form and corpse as it was carried to his bed.

Grace was such a sweet girl and a favorite among her many friends. She was always ready to respond to anything that was good and to shrink from things that were wrong. She did not know of her sister’s death, as her condition would not admit of it. But just before she drew her last breath, she cried, “Gladys, let’s sing,” and passed way into the great beyond where she and Gladys together with their four little brothers and sisters can sing and praise God forever more.

Besides their parents, the following brothers and sisters survive: Messrs. Crawford of Baltimore, Md., Lloyd, Edd and Curtis, Misses Blanche and Rosa Ellen Edwards. Funeral services were conducted by their pastor, Rev. J.J. Edwards, and their bodies laid to rest side by side in the Marshville cemetery. May their fond parents and brothers and sisters who are left so lonely and desolate look Heavenward, and when all these parting scenes shall end, we shall gather friend with friend, there before our Father’s throne, and we shall know as we are known.
--Mrs. R.F.P.

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