
Sunday, March 22, 2020

Newton Fire Damages Bank, Printing Office, Dental Office, March 22, 1920

From the Hickory Daily Record, Monday, March 22, 1920

Serious Fire at Newton on Sunday

Fire originating in the office of Mr. M.A. Abernethy, secretary-treasurer of the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company, early Sunday morning caused fire and water damage to the building of the Farmers & Merchants Bank here estimated at $7,000.

The blaze was discovered by a farmer passing through Newton about 5:30 and the alarm was turned in.

Damage to the furniture and fixtures of the bank and its building by water amounted to $4,000 or $5,000. Practically ruined was the photograph gallery of Mr. T.B. Moose and flooded the office in the rear of the bank of Lowery Printing Company. The bank, Mr. Moose and Mr. Lowry carried insurance, but Mr. Abernethy’s office was not insured. He had all his papers in his safe, however, and his loss is small.

The dental office of Dr. W.C. Raymer also was badly damaged. His loss is covered by insurance.
Cashier G.C. Little stated that the bank would lose nothing, as the damage was covered by insurance. For several days the building cannot be used, but that is the only hardship suffered. All the money, books and papers are safe in the big vault.

Mr. Moose sustained the loss of most of his stock and supplies, but these were insured. The damage to Mr. Lowry was estimated at about $1,000, though it may run more than this, as it is hard to figure on loss from wet paper. His office was flooded to a depth of several inches, as was also the bank.
It is thought that the fire started in a wood box on the second floor. Mr. Abernethy does not smoke and is very careful about fire, but it is believed that somebody must have thrown a lighted cigar or cigarette in the wood box and it flared up during the night. Fortunately the fire was discovered before it became serious. Repairs will be made at once and the occupants expect to be in business again in another week.

A stove on the second floor fell through and landed upright in the bank office. It looked as if it had been placed there.

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