
Saturday, April 25, 2020

Kluttz, Bread Prices, L.T. Green, Preston Cobb, Actress' Divorce, April 22, 1920

From the front page of The Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., April 22, 1920

President Wilson Nominates Whitehead Kluttz of North Carolina

Whitehead Kluttz of North Carolina was nominated by President Wilson to membership on the board of mediation and conciliation, succeeding G.W.W. Hanger, who has been made a member of the railroad labor board.


Further Precautions Threatened Against Retailers of Loaf Bread

Charlotte—Every retail dealer in bread will be indicted under the Lovel act, declared the chairman of the fall price committee, Dr. Davidson, unless they cut the 15-cent loaves to 12 cents and the 20-cent loaves to 17 cents.

Dr. Davidson said the fair price committee is satisfied that bread can be bought in the city and from nearby potato(?) at such prices as will leave the retailer a fair profit when he sells loaves at 12 and 17 cents.


L.T. Green of Weldon Loses Hand

Weldon—L.T. Green, a prominent farmer of Weldon, had one of his hands cut off in a cotton gin. His left coat sleeve got caught in the machinery while it was in operation and before it could be stopped, the limb was amputated just above the wrist.


Man Dies Will Being Made Church Member

Richmond, Va. – Kneeling at the altar while being received in the Seventh Street Christian church, Preston H. Cobb, 49, died instantly of heart disease.

Rev. H.D.C. MacLauchlan was in the act of pronouncing him a member of the congregation when Cobb reeled and fell into the aisle.


Will Mary Pickford Get Her Divorce?

Minden, Nevada—A suit to set aside the decree of divorce granted by District Judge Langan to Gladys E. Moore, known as Mary Pickford, from Owen E. Moore, was filed here by Leonard B. Fowler, attorney general of Nevada.

 The suit was filed “in the interest of the state of Nevada.”

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