
Friday, April 3, 2020

Letter from Cliffside, N.C., Published April 1, 1920 in Forest City Courier

From the Forest City Courier, April 1, 1920

Letter From Cliffside, Revival, New-comers, Etc.

Cliffside, March 29—We are sorry, but it was impossible for “ye scribe” to send in any thing last week in the way of news notes.

J.W. McGinnis who recently moved to near Chase City, Va., was in town last week on business.

Mrs. C.D. Hughes returned Sunday from Charlotte where she had been for a few days with her little daughter, Sarah, who was being treated at the sanitarium. We are glad to note that Sarah is improving.

Miss Hattie Padgett, one of our efficient nurses, spent a few days last week in Asheville, and also her home at East Flat Rock.

W.B. Michaels of Hendersonville was here a few days last week the guest of the families of M.F. Hamrick and R.V. Bland.

Dr. B.M. Haynes of Spartanburg was in town one day last week. We are always glad to see Dr. Haynes as he is one of “our boys” and has made good in his profession.

John Long of Badin has been visiting here for a few days and will return to Badin Wednesday.

S.L. Thompson moved his family here last week from Henrietta and has entered upon his duties as overseer of the Finishing Plant of the Cliffside Mills, succeeding W.R. Thigpen who moved to Americus, Ga., a few weeks ago. We are glad to welcome Mr. Thompson and family to our town.

The friends of Miss Sudie Moore and Will Blanton were surprised to learn of their marriage, which was solemnized last Saturday afternoon at the home of W.J. Clontz. Rev. A.J. Burrus officiated in his usual graceful manner.

A large number of people here saw the airplane that passed and circled over town last Saturday afternoon. It is thought by several that the flyer was Lieut. Belvin Maynard, “The Flying Parson.”

The “Cliffside Renown Band” was scheduled to give a concert at the Park Sunday afternoon at 2:30 but on account of the rain they gathered on the balcony of the Cliffside Mills Office and rendered some good music, which was enjoyed by a large crowd who took shelter under the awnings of the stores and Library Building. The band is progressing under the able leadership of Director D.C. Cole.
J.B. Wilson of Gastonia visited home folks Saturday and Sunday.

A.C. Walker and wife of Shelby were the week-end guests at the home of W.J. Hoy. Mrs. Walker and little son will remain here for some time.

Jas. Blanton has accepted a position in the market of the Cliffside Mills Store.

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