
Friday, April 24, 2020

News Briefs From Front Page of Hickory Daily Record, April 24, 1920

From the Hickory Daily Record, April 24, 1920

--Coca Colas went up from 6 to 8 cents at fountains today, as many customers learned. Lthe price was raised because of the increased cost of syrup, it was stated. Bottled drinks—Cocc Cola, Chero Cola and Pepsi Cola—remain at 5 cents.

--Edward B. Pace, serving his second term as commissioner of public works of the city of Raleigh, died at noon today in Raleigh following an illness of several months. Mr. Pace, a machinist by trade, has figured in political and labor circles for several years, having served one term in the House. He leaves a wife and several children.

--Rev. E.J. Sox was called to Columbia, S.C., yesterday by the death of his brother Mr. R.G.M. Sox. Mr. Sox was also a brother of Mr. D.J. Sox of this city and has quite a number of friends here which he made while on a visit to the city several years ago.

--W.D. Post of Asheville and R.L. McCullough of Knoxville, Tenn., have been promoted to superintendents of the Southern railway, respectively of the Columbia S.C. division, and the Murphy division, headquarters, Asheville, N.C.

--Ed. B. Brown, former general secretary of the Asheville Y.M.C.A., and the man who is said to have been responsible for putting the association on the solid basis it now enjoys, is critically ill at his home on Furman avenue, Asheville, and is not expected to recover. Mr. Brown’s condition for some time has been very low, but he has recently taken a turn for the worse. A native of Newton, he came to Raleigh about 15 years ago and was for some time a leading athlete of this section. He was secretary of the local “Y” for 11 years.

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