
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

With Quarantine Over, Carnivals and Circuses Allowed If They Follow Strict Rules, April 1, 1920

From the Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., April 1, 1920

Board of Health Revises Former Resolutions Prohibiting Carnivals, Circuses and Such Like

Be it resolved by the Board of Health of Alamance county, in special meeting assembled, that the resolution, rules, and regulations passed by said Board of March 20, 1920, be amended to read as follows:

Be it resolved that, whereas, Alamance county is just recovering from a serious epidemic; and

Whereas, In other parts of the country, both within and without the State of North Carolina, epidemics of contagious and infectious diseases are very prevalent, and are likely to be spread and contracted by personal contact in dense crowds of people; and

Whereas, this Board is of the opinion that traveling shows, such as circuses and carnivals, are the means of transmitting and spreading such contagious and infectious diseases, and that their coming into Alamance county from other portions of the county, with their attendant crowds, constitutes a menace to the health of the people of Alamance county, in that they tend to spread contagious and infectious diseases; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That until further action by this Board, all such traveling shows, usually denominated circuses and carnivals, be prohibited from exhibiting in Alamance county.

That any person, or member of any firm, or officers, managers, or representatives of any corporation, violating these resolutions, rules, and regulations, shall pay a penalty of $1,000 for each and every violation.

That every person employed by, or associated with such person, firm, or corporation, in giving such exhibitions in violation of these rules, shall pay a penalty of $50 for each and every violation.
That each and every day such exhibitions shall be given, shall constitute a separate offense. That these penalties are fixed by authority of the law authorizing this Board to fix penalties for violation of its rules, and are in addition to the public law that the violation of such rules shall constitute a misdemeanor.

That these resolutions, rules, and regulations shall be in effect in Alamance county, North Carolina, from and after Monday, March 29, 1920, until rescinded by this Board.

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