
Friday, July 3, 2020

Parade, Air Show Top Plans for Hickory's July 4th Celebration, July 3, 1920

From the front page of the Hickory Daily Record, Saturday evening, July 3, 1920

Hickory in Readiness for Monday's Jubilee. . . Program for Big Celebration Announced. . . Parade Monday Morning, Many Attractions and Entertainments Provided for Public

The various committees working out the program for the big Fourth of July celebration in Hickory on Monday report that everything is ready to pull the string. Old timers recall the big celebration here 12 years ago when the streets were throng with people despite the downpour of rain. Their ardor refused to be dampened.

It is sure enough going to be a big day for Hickory folks and the thousands of visitors. In fact, it is going to be like a six ringed circus, and the folks will try to look in all directions at once, and at the same time keep an eye on the sky watching the maneuvers of the airplane Filmore and Clark, the great flyers, all day long will be hovering overhead excuting their wonderful stunts, looping the loop, corkscrew plunges, etc.

It is expected that the crowds will begin about daylight, but the procession will not start until 11 o'clock. Every person in the parade will recive a ticket with anumber on it, and the holder of the lucky number will get a free ride in the aeroplane. A glance at the order of the parade, given below, will show that it is going to be some parade. There are going to be some clowns in the parade, of course. Who ever heard of a Fourth of July parade without clowns? And we would advise the ladies to bring some old copies of "Godies' Ladies Book" with them to help the judges in deciding what lady is wearing the oldest costume. It is whispered that the antiques worn in the parade will make the modern "wear-them-as-long-as-they-last" people look like 13 cents.

Fashion's late decree indicates that men's styles in trousers is going to knee breeches. However, the judges have decided that they will accept any antique knee breeches as old style. There has been some discussion as to whether the male or the female of the species will display the oldest wearing apparel, with ods in favor of the female.

Hickory's crack band will furnish the music. They will be out in full force, every man with a new instrument. The American Legion will appear in the parade like veterans as they are. The Boy Scouts will appear in floats. Failing to secure their uniforms they decided not to march. The old Confederate veterans will be given a post of honor in decorated automobiles, to be followed by floats galore and decorated automobiles and other equipages.

But when all is said and done, it is the "folks" that will make the day one long to be remembered. It will be a day of jollity and good fellowship, where old friends meet old friends and new friendships are formed.

In honor of the celebration here Monday, Newton merchants decided today to close their stores at noon Monday to enable themselves and employes to come up in force force the jubilee. A large crowd is expected from the county seat.

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