
Sunday, August 16, 2020

12-Year-Old Ina May Reynolds Struck by Car When She Jumped Off Car Running Board, August 1920

 From the front page of The Rockingham Post-Dispatch, Thursday, August 12, 1920

Girl Hurt at Ellerbe

What came near being a fatal accident occurred at Ellerbe Sunday about noon. The 12-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D.E. Reynolds, Ina May, was returning from Sunday school and was standing on the running board of Charlie McIntyre's car. When the car reached the point where the young girl wished to alight, Mr. McIntyre slowed down almost to a standstill; the girl jumped off into the middle of the street and at that instant a car passed, knocking her down and severely bruising her. It was at first thought her skull was fractured. Dr. Maness carried her to the Hamlet hospital in order to have an X-Ray made but Dr. James was out of the city. She was brought back to Ellerbe Sunday night and is now recovering.

The car that knocked her down was driven by a man from Randleman whose name the paper was unable to learn. It is understood that no blame is attached to the driver, and that the accident was unavoidable.

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