
Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Boone Fork Lumber Company Declares Industrial Democracy Policy Based on Justice, August 1920

From the front page of the Watauga Democrat, Boone, N.C., Thursday, August 19, 1920

Industrial Democracy. . . Business Policy of the Boone Fork Lumber Company

Following are the plans being carried out by the Boone Fork Lumber Company regarding the Industrial Democracy which they have established in their plant. for the benefit of those directly or indirectly interested in this great profit-sharing business, we publish them with pleasure:

We, the employees, officers and directors of the Boone Fork Lumber Company, recognizing that "Justice is the greatest good and Injustice the greatest evil," do hereby lay and subscribe to, as 

The first corner stone of our Policy, this greatest of all good, JUSTICE.

The fullest meaning of this word shall be the basis of all our business and personal dealings, between ourselves as individuals, between our company and those whom we employ. Justice shall be the first corner stone upon which we agree and determine to construct broader characters as individuals and as an institution. We recognize that justice to ourselves necessitates  taking advantage of every opportunity to do the best that is in us, and each day improve that growing ability. We realize that merit must be recognized as to ability, with this certainty we cheerfully, hopefully, and courageously press forward to certain and unqualified success.

The second corner stone of our Policy is CO-OPERATION.

To accomplish the greatest possible results as individuals and as an institution, we find co-operation a necessity, therefore we do determine and agree to pull together and freely offer, and work with, the spirit of that principle, co-operation, thus we will grow in character and ability. Differences of opinion shall be freely and fearlessly expressed, but we shall at all times stand ready to co-operate with and heartily support the final judgment in all matters.

The third corner stone of our Policy is ECONOMY.

Recognizing that Economy is time, material and energy well spent, we determine to make the best use of them, and so shall time, material and energy become the masters of our destiny.

The fourth corner stone of our Policy is ENERGY.

As Energy is the power back of action, and action is necessary to produce results, we determine to Energise our minds and hands, concentrating all our powers upon the most important work before us. Thus intensifying our mental and physical activity, we shall "Make two grow where one was," and as a result it will yield in a just proportion to our protective and persistent activity. This power of energy directed exclusively toward sound and vigorous construction leaves no room for destruction and reduces all forms of resistance. 

Having set in our Business Policy the four corner stones of Justice, Co-operation, Economy and Energy, we are convinced that the superstructure must be


We believe that the only sure and sound construction of success as an individual or an institution depends upon the quality and quantity of Service rendered. We neither anticipate nor hope to by unusually favored fortune, but are thoroughly persuaded that fortune favors the performer of worthy deeds and of unusual service, and we therefore determine that our days and our years be occupied with such performance. Quality shall always be the first element of our Service and quality shall ever be the second consideration. Thus shall we establish not only the reputation but the character of serving best and serving most. Therefore, by serving admirably, we shall deserve and receive proportionately.

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