
Thursday, August 27, 2020

Boone Involves Local Leaders in Commercial Club, August 1920

From the front page of The Watauga Democrat, August 26, 1920

Commercial Club Organized in Boone

Feeling that Boone needed some kind of an organization to act in an official capacity in promoting the many and various interests of the town, several of Boone's business men met int he parlors of the Critcher Hotel on last Thursday afternoon to talk the matter. As considerable enthusiasm was apparent from the start, it was thought advisable to go at the subject in a business way, and Mayor T.B. Moore was requested to preside and Mr. C.A. Ellis to act as secretary. Various matters were discussed, and it was decided to have the chairman appoint a committee of five to look into the most vital needs of the town and report at a meeting to be held Saturday afternoon H.W. Horton, W.R. Gragg, C.A. Ellis, T.B. Moore and Roy M. Brown, not only made the following suggestions but nominated the following officers and board of governors to serve for one year: the name of the organization to be "Boone Commercial Club" and W.R. Gragg, J.F. Moore, G.M. Sudderth, Roy M. Brown, and also Dr. J.W. Jones to act at the board of governors whose duty it would be to elect and dismiss officers and committees,hear and act on all complaints and to take action on all matters pertaining to th eclub. Those gentlemen, with the following officers and committees, were unanimously elected at the meeting held Saturday afternoon, their terms of office to be one year.


President, H.W. Horton

vice President, J.L. Qualls

Secretary, C.A. Ellis

Asst. Sec. Russell G. Hodges

Treasurer, W.D. Farthing


Advertising: H.W. Horton, T.B. Moore, R.C. Rivers, J.K. Moose and I.G. Greer.

Financial: D.J. Cottrell, A.Y. Howell, C.M. Yates and J.F. Hardin.

Civic: Mrs. McG. Anders, Mrs. F.A. Linney, Mrs. M.P. Critcher, W.G. Hartzog and John E. Brown.

New Enterprises: R,.M. Green, J.L, Qualls, E.F. Lovill, R.R. Johnson, J.W. Hodges and M. B. Blackburn.

Social and Tourists: Bob Campbell, Hardy Lyons, D.B. Bingham, R.D. Hodges, Frank Simonds, O.L. Coffey and Miss Carrie L. Coffey, Mrs. A.E. South and Mrs. J.L. Sproles.

Educational: J.F. Robbins, Jobh Cook, A.E. South, J.W. Farting and Mrs. I.G. Greer.

Special Committee on Street Improvements: B.B. Doughterty, A.Y. Howell, G.P. Hagaman, G.M.Sudderth and Dr. McG. Anders.

Legal and Legislative: Frank A. Linney, J.C. Fletcher, John E. Brown, E.S. Coffey and E.F. Lovill.

The initiation fee will be $1, Annual dues $6, payable $1.50 quarterly, in advance. Capt. E.F. Lovill and all ladies, life membership free.

Time of meeting, every second and fourth Monday night at 8 o'clock. Place, the court house.

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