
Friday, August 7, 2020

New Warehouse for Ivey Mills, Other West Hickory News, August 1920

 From the front page of The Hickory Daily Record, August 4, 1920

New Warehouse for Ivey Mills Company, Other West Hickory News

West Hickory, Aug. 4--The building and painting is still going on in the Ivey mill village. The company is now preparing to builda large warehouse near the mill and there is a large force of handson the work.

The Y.M.C.A. hall is being enlarged to about double the size it formerly was and both of thesde improvements will add greatloy to the appearance of the village.

There is a large crowd of country people here at present attending the camp meeting at the Saints Tabgernacle.

Mrs. M.L. Suttlemyre of Burke county is spending several days here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.A. Carswell.

Mr.J.W. Mace is very sick at present with malaria and chills.

Mr. Henry Price has been qjuite sick with pneumonia for several days but is improving some at present.

Married, at the home of Squire G.T. Barger in West Hickory, Sunday evening, August 1, Mr. W.V. Barger and Miss Sallie Rodgers, Mr. Barger officiating.

Miss Katie Abee spent the past two weeks in Cleveland, Ohio, visiting her two brothers, Messrs. George and Mart Abee. She reports having a real nice time.


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