
Monday, September 28, 2020

8 Baseball Players Charged With Throwing Series Games, September 1920

By the Associated Press, Chicago, Sept. 18--The Cook county grand jury this afternoon voted true bills against the following baseball players on the charge of "throwing" the world series games: Eddie Cicotte, Claud Williams, "Chic" Gandel, Happy Flesch, Chas. Risberg, Joe Jackson, Fred McMullin, and Buck Weaver. All are members of the Chicago Americans. Eddie Cicothe, White Sox pitcher, who according to a story told in Philadelphia last night by Bikllie Marhor, former boxer, was involved in a $100,000 plot to throw the world series, denied the story. Cicothe, according to Marbor's store met him and Billy Burns, former ball player, in the latter's room in a New York hoteland offered to throw the series if $100,000 were paid hinm by Burns. "I would not know Marhog if I saw him," Cicotte said today. "He may have been introduced to me, as hundreds were. "Bill Burns called at the Ansonia hotel in New York,. He did not talk to me alone, but conversed with other members of the team. While I was with him, he was making arrangements for a hunting trip. The talk of the world series being fixed is a joke. I know nothing of it." (From the front page of the Hickory Daily Record, Tuesday, Sept. 28, 1920)

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