
Saturday, October 24, 2020

County Commissioners to Crack Down on Public Dances, Oct. 25, 1920

Raleigh's public dances which gave the city officials and citizens some worry one and two years ago have again forged to the front and the city commissioners are expected to take drastic measures either today or tomorrow to control the conduct of those who participate in the winter whirls. Mayor Eldridge reviewed the remains of the Fair Week dances Wednesday and Thursday last and said that it was apparent that no effort was being made to conform to the rules and regulations laid down by the city fathers in the use of the city auditorium, where the dances were held, and that the commissioners would likely close the doors in the face of future dances. Whiskey bottles were found in numbers after both dances last week and the order prohibiting smoking was ignored, it is said. (From the front page of the Hickory Daily Record, Oct. 25, 1920)

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