
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Body of Sgt. Underwood, Killed Day Before Armistice, Being Returned Home, Nov. 18, 1920

The war department has notified relatives in the city of Sergeant Willie L. Underwood, who was killed before Sedan in the Meuse-Argonne offensive on November 10,1918, the day before the signing of the armistice, that the remains of the soldier have been shipped from france and are expected to arrive in New York next week. Upon arrival in this country, the body will be shipped to High Point for final interment. Sergeant Underwood was with the 322nd Infantry, 81st division, and was one of the contingents furnished by High Point. He trained at Camp Jackson and Camp Sevier and proceeded overseas with other soldiers of the division. He was the last High Pointer to be killed in action, he "going west" when a bomb exploded directly over his head. (From the front page of The Review, High Point, N.C., Nov. 18, 1920)

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