
Friday, November 6, 2020

Community Club Women Sold Oysters, Coffee, Ham Sandwiches During Election, Nov. 6, 1920

Quite a neat sum was realized from the sale of oysters, ham sandwiches, pickles and coffee at the Southern Public Utilities Company office on election night while the returns were coming in. The sale was under the auspices of the Social Welfare Committee of the Community Club of which Mrs. Geo. Bailey is chairman. Manager E.B. Templeton kindly offered the use of the office, two electric ranges and free current which was a great factor in the success of the sale. About $50 was cleared which will be donated to some worthy cause. The ladies are to be congratulated on their splendid success and untiring efforts in making this success possible. The sale was well patronized, a number availing themselves of the opportunity of purchasing the delicious oysters and coffe and sandwiches. (From the front page of the Hickory Daily Record, November 6, 1920)

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