
Monday, November 30, 2020

One Killer Drunk, The Other Recently Released Form Insane Asylum, Nov. 30, 1920

Raleigh, Nov. 30—The wives of Sam Shadrack and Charles Davis, Wake county white farmers, are dead and the two men are lodged in jail charged with murder. They were arrested yesterday afternoon. Davis is said to have unloaded a five-shooter revolver into the body of his wife in the early morning hours Monday. Two children of the Davis family carried news of the killing to neighbors and when the home was entered he was found under the influence of whiskey and was crazed and unmanageable. He was brought to the Wake county jail here in an unconscious condition. No reason was advanced for Davis’ act other than that he was intoxicated. Shadrack’s alleged crime is believed due to the fact that he was mentally unbalanced, having recently been discharged from the state hospital for the insane. The men live 10 miles apart, Davis being a resident of New Light while Shadrack’s home is only a short distance from Wake Forest. (From the front page of the Hickory Daily Record, Nov. 30, 1920. New Light township is northwest of Wake Forest, located in what is now Falls Lake State Recreation Area.)

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