
Monday, December 21, 2020

Former Monroe High School Principal Is President of N.J. Socialist Party, Dec. 21, 1920

The fact that 12 votes were cast in the last election at the Euto precinct for Eugene Debs, the socialist candidate for president, who is in the Federal prison at Atlanta, occasioned much surprise here. And now a former Monroe boy, who is home for the holidays, brings news that Mr. H.J. Hendley, one-time principal of the Monroe high school, is president of the Patterson, N.J., local of the socialist party. At least he was when he saw him last, which was some months ago. He is also superintendent of the Patterson schools. Mr. Hendley, it is understood, lost his job here about 10 years ago on account of his radical views, but it was not generally known that he was a pronounced Socialist. Regardless of his political views, which he certainly has a constitutional right to entertain, Mr. Hendley was recognized as an excellent teacher, and he is kindly remembered by scores of this old pupils, one of them being this writer. (From the front page of The Monroe Journal, Dec. 21, 1920)

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