
Thursday, December 17, 2020

Robbers Entered Marshville Bank, Only Steal Still, Dec. 17, 1920

After picking a lock in the rear door, robbers entered the Bank of Marshville Monday night and stole a 40-gallon still that had been placed in an empty room the day previous by Chief of Police Barnes Griffin. No effort was made to open the vault, which contained thousands of dollars in currency of the realm and negotiable paper. The still was found on the place of Cephas Mullis, near Marshville, and not caring to come on to Monroe with the confiscated liquor making outfit, Mr. Griffin had placed it in the Bank of Marshville for safe keeping. It is believed that entrance into the bank was effected by picking the lock on the rear door with a piece of wire. The key, which was in the lock on the inside of the door, had been pushed out. Scores of burned matches, which littered the floor, were the only signs of disorder to be found the next morning when the bank officials opened up for business. (From the front page of The Monroe Journal, Dec. 17, 1920)

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