
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

J.M. Stephens Hired to Wire New Municipal Building, Jan. 19, 1921

Mr. J.M. Stephens, contractor and engineer, last night was awarded the contract to place the wiring in the new municipal building, his bid of $1,800 for the complete job being the lowest of any received when bids were opened by the city council.

Mr. Stephens has opened his office over the Watson Motor Company, formerly the Hickory Garage, and is now ready for business.

It will be of interest to the public to know that Mr. Stephens, for six years local manager of the Southern Public Utilities Company, is probably one of the most practical electricians in the south and during the experimental stage with electric pots on linotype machines he showed his versatility by making the new instruments do their work when most authorities despaired. There are very few things about electric equipment and devices that he does not know about and he is sure to do a good job.

(From the Hickory Daily Record, Jan. 19, 1921)

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