
Sunday, January 31, 2021

Ladies' Work Garments to Be Manufactured at Spindale, First in the South, Jan. 31, 1921

Mr. Harry Jensen of Rutherford College spent Saturday in the city on his way to Spindale, where he has been doing some auditing work. Mr. Jensen will soon have all his plans completed for an up to date building at Rutherford College in the early summer where will be manufactured ladies’ work garments, the only factory of this kind in the south.

A factory of this kind will not only be a help to that community, but also to Hickory and the south as well. Mr. Jensen is a northern man with a lot of pep, and makes a success of anything he undertakes, and we predict great things where he goes along.

(From the Hickory Daily Record, Monday evening, January 31, 1921)

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