
Saturday, January 23, 2021

Now That Women Can Vote, Should They Serve on Juries? Jan. 22, 1921

By Max Abernethy—The house and senate in short sessions today passed a joint resolution inviting Gov. Calvin Coolidge to address the general assembly in February.

The vice-president-elect will be spending his winter vacation in Asheville next month and the joint resolution by Senator Cox of Randolph county invited him to select the time for the delivery of the address.

The only other measure of importance up during the day was introduction of a woman’s jury bill by Senator Paul Jones of Edgecombe. The bill makes women eligible to sit on juries the same as men, but does not compel them to serve.

A number of local measures were passed during the day, but all important measures were put off until Monday night when the two houses will convene again.

(From the front page of The Hickory Daily Record, Jan. 22, 1921)

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