
Thursday, January 28, 2021

Sleet and Snow in Marshville, N.C., Jan. 28, 1921

Marshville—Yes, it’s snowing down our way! When the sleet began peppering down in a rather uncertain way Tuesday afternoon we folks did not for a minute anticipate such a complete surrender to winter’s irresistible forces; but with the falling night the old fellow seemed to have formed a definite plan of action and set to work with energy. Daylight revealed a thin veneering of snow and sleet on top of everything, and the air in lattice work of flying snow flakes seeming busily and merrily intent upon transforming the sad, gray colored old world into a gay, frisky young thing all wrapped up in white, its many eyes peeping out roguishly from beneath its virginal covering to invite a rompish frolic. And despite the sharp wind which prowls around its alluring invitation stirs up all kinds of enthusiasm for the out of doors, in both old and young alike. The sleet makes sledding just perfect, and the kids offer eloquent arguments to cautious mothers for a try at it. The men clean up their guns and hutn up their old leggins and soon everybody is enjoying rabbit for dinner. Business comes to a pause in its course and declares a holiday. In fact, nature is offering a mid-winter fete and a few there are who do not realize an appreciative thrill at the gorgeousness of the display, and enter whole souled into the spirit of the season.

(From the front page of The Monroe Journal, Friday, Jan. 28, 1921)

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