
Friday, January 29, 2021

When Mill Shuts Down, Town Hires Unemployed to Work on Roads, Town Improvement, Jan. 28, 1921

The cotton mill will resume work in a few days if it has not already started by the time this is printed. The demand for the product is picking up, and the prospects are that with work starting again now it will be continued indefinitely into the future. Hosiery and spinning mills every where are finding a demand for their output which creates a call for yarns, and the Vass mill anticipates a good run from now on. The gin has been running all the time and cotton has continued to come into the warehouses, where it is stored for the future. The outlook is for a good season in the mill for the spring and summer, and a prosperous year for the community.

Keep Things Going

One thing about Vass that helps to keep flour in the barrel is the way the folks manage to carry on at something else when one thing stops. When the mill shut down, temporary work was started on the roads and town improvement, both to keep people employed, and also to get the needed work done when labor was available to do it. The result is that the roads are in better condition and the weekly income has been taking care of the weekly expense account and the folks have not been called on to go down int heir pockets for a sinking fund.

As the time approaches for the return of the hands to them mill, the public work is in pretty good shape, and the period of idleness at the mill has been of about as much benefit as continuous work would have been.

(From the editorial page of The Pilot, Vass, N.C., Jan. 28, 1921)

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