
Monday, February 22, 2021

Charlotte Declares 'War' Against Sex-Appeal Movies, Vulgar Vaudeville, Liquor, Sabbath Desecration, Feb. 22, 1921

War broke out at the Y.M.C.A. Monday night—war against sex-appeal motion pictures, war against vulgar vaudeville, war against liquor selling and war against Sabbath desecration.

Preachers and laymen are to wage the war, and money is to be raised to finance the war. The specific prupose of the war is to make Charlotte a better place in which to live.

Paul C. Whitlock is the first president of the Citizens Welfare League, formed when about 60 men gathered at the Y.M.C.A. by invitation and set in motion a movement which is expected to touch every section of the city. The organization is to extend its membership in a systematic manner, and a first public mass meeting is to be held at an early date.

Officers, in addition to Mr. Whitlock, are J.A. Fore, J.V. Sutt5on and Dr. G.W. Pressley, vice presidents; D.E. Henderson, secretary; and Dr. J.G. Johnston, treasurer.

The following cabinet is to act with the officers in composing an executive committee:

J.B. Ivey, Rev. J.F. Crigler, Jasper C. Hutto, Hunter Marshall Jr., Rev. W.B. Lindsay, Dr. A.S. Johnson, Dr. Luther Little, Rev. H.G. Hardin, E.A. Cole, W.L. Dixon, J. Frank Flowers, F.O. Hawley, F.O. Clarkson, Rev. John E. Wool, N.C. White, T.E. Wingate, D.H. Johnston, A.R. Rhyne, J.C. Simmons, Rev. J.A. Sharp, Wallace Smith, W.G. Farnum, Edwin Jones.

Actual organization followed presentation of the plan by Rev. J.F. Crigler, pastor of St. Mark’s Lutheran church. In explanation of the purpose of the Citizens Welfare League, Dr. A.S. Johnson, past of the First Presbyterian church, spoke on immoral and indecent motion pictures, which he declared are being shown in Charlotte regularly and in a flagrant way. Dr. W.B. Lindsay, pastor of the First A.R.P. church, spoke on the illegal sale of liquor. Rev. H.G. Hardin, pastor of Tryon Street Methodist church, spoke on Sabbath desecration, and Dr. Luther Little, pastor of the First Baptist church, spoke on general amusements.

“We have got to deal with such vile and dirty sex-pictures that it would hardly be proper to open this league to women at this time,” said Dr. Johnson. “All of us would be embarrassed in discussing some of the things that are being shown on the screen in Charlotte at this time. An alien race, which is non-Christian and cares nothing for our ideals of life, is in control of the motion picture industry. Henry Ford may have done a lot of foolish things, but he is making a great contribution to clean living by exposing the motion picture industry.”

While Dr. Johnson did not mention the Jew, it was recognized that he was attacking the Jews, generally credited with being in control of the motion picture field. He read from Mr. Ford’s Dearborn Independent, which charged that the motion picture producers pander to sex matters and are governed only by receipts at the box offices.

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From the front page of the Charlotte News and Evening Chronicle, Tuesday, February 22, 1921

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