
Friday, February 12, 2021

George Pendergrast, 19, Killed by Cousin Who Thought Gun Was Unloaded, Feb. 9, 1921

Statesville, Feb. 9—George Pendergrast, 19, whose home is in Wilkes county, died in a local hospital from the effects of gunshot wounds. The shooting was entirely accidental, this being an unloaded gun tragedy. Gridley Privette, a counsin of the deceased, tells of going out hunting with his brother when they met young Pendergras, who asked what they were hunting. Privett’s reply was, “We are hunting bear,” and thinking that the gun was unloaded, he pointed it toward the boy and pulled the trigger. The gun, which was a 22 rifle, was discharged, the bullet entering Pendergrast’s abdomen. The young man was brought to the Long Sanatorium, where an operation revealed the fact that tere was no hope for his recovery.

From the Charlotte News, Wednesday Afternoon, February 9, 1921.

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