
Thursday, February 18, 2021

Joseph and B.H. Jernigan Stabbed by Lonnie Jackson, Feb. 18, 1921

Dunn—As the result of a family quarrel, Joseph Jernigan is suffering from serious knife wounds in the back and arm, and B.H. Jernigan, is father, is badly cut through the left wrist. The wounds, it is admitted with inflicted by Lonnie Jackson, son-in-law of B.H. Jernigan, in Jackson’s home several miles east of Dunn.

B.H. Jernigan is one of the wealthiest farmers and business men of this section. He owns a large plantation near Dunn and also owns and operates a large garage here.

Lonnie Jackson (words obscured), and one of the best farmers in the community.

From the front page of The Farmville Enterprise, Feb. 18, 1921

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