
Friday, February 12, 2021

Lt. William Oliver Dies of Blood Poisoning; Leaves French Bride Behind, Feb. 9, 1921

Lieut. William B. Oliver

Lieutenant William B. Oliver, brother of Mrs. A.J. Beall of this city, died at an early hour Wednesday morning at Camp Benning, Ga., where he has been stationed on military duty. Blood poisoning was the cause of death. Details of his illness have been made known here.

Lieutenant Oliver, who was an instructor in bayonet work at Camp Benning, saw two years’ service at the Mexican-American border and a year and a half of service in France with the American division, receiving two wounds while with that division.

Six months ago Lieutenant Oliver went back to France, to Toulouse, and married mademoiselle Marte Surbin, member of a Toulouse French family. She survives him, together with his father and mother, Dr. and Mrs. William of Anderson, S.C., one brother, C.M. Oliver of Birmingham, Ala., Miss Lucy Oliver, a sister, of Anderson S.C., and Mrs. A.J. Beall, sister, here. Mrs. C.A. Moseley of this city is an aunt of Lieutenant Oliver.

Lieutenant Oliver was 28 years of age. He was a native of Florence but his people have been living in Anderson for some time.

Funeral arrangements have not been completed, but the funeral service and interment probably will take place at Florence.

From the Charlotte News, Wednesday Afternoon, February 9, 1921

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