
Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Rockingham Want Ads, Feb. 10, 1921

Sewing—Any one desiring plain sewing, neatly done, see Fannie Leak, the daughter of Vina Leak, on Stewart street. Prices reasonable.

Valentines at Haywoods—J.E. Haywood has a large assortment of Valentines—comic, lace, post-card, etc.

Keys Found—Found, a bunch of keys on ring. Has six keys and a belt hook. Call at Post-Dispatch office.

New 6-Room Cottage For Sale—Just completed on lot 50x150, fronting street west of Rockingham Railway station, four large rooms, bath and kitchen, with hallway 6x22. Built of best material and has not been occupied. For terms and particulars, apply to W.L. Parsons or G.W. Coggin.

New 6-Room Cottage For Sale—Just completed on lot 50x150, fronting street west of Rockingham Railway station, four large rooms, bath and kitchen, with hallway 6x22. Built of best material and has not been occupied. For terms and particulars, apply to W.L. Parsons or G.W. Coggin.

New 6-Room Cottage For Sale—Just completed on lot 50x150, fronting street west of Rockingham Railway station, four large rooms, bath and kitchen, with hallway 6x22. Built of best material and has not been occupied. For terms and particulars, apply to W.L. Parsons or G.W. Coggin.

Cameo Lost—Lost, a cameo pin between Stephenson-Belk store and Fifth avenue Saturday, Feb. 5th. The finder will please return same to the Davis 10 Cent store and receive reward.

For Sale—A tract of land containing 54 acres, situated about 1 ½ miles from Rockingham on the Rockingham and Roberdel road. Apply to Mrs. Luther McLaurin, McCall, S.C.

Land For Rent—For rent, that fine pasture tract of land with tenant house thereon situated a few miles south of Rockingham on Yadkin river and commonly known as the “Armistead pasture place.” See Mr. Egerton, supt. Of Power Company, Rockingham office, or address Land Rental Department, Carolina Power and Light Co., Raleigh.

Typewriter Tools Lost—Between Wadesboro and Marshville one portfolio with Typewriter tools and forms bearing the name of Underwood Typewriter Co. $5 reward for the return of same to J.E. Gardner, P.O. box 154, Columbia, S.C. C.O.D. Parcel Post.

Buildings for Sale—A garage building, 50x150, at The Rockets. A 8-room house on lot 100x200, on East Washington street. A 6-room house on Watson Heights, including 3-acre lot. Apply to J.W. Jenkins.

Farm For Rent—on shares, a 5-horse farm. If interested, see W.T. Hamer, Route 2, or phone 2213.

Corn For Sale—300 bu. Corn in shucks at my farm in Bever Dam township. W.B. Cole, Rockingham.

Harness is cheaper. See us at Everett Hdw. Co.

$10 shoes for $6 at Dockery-McNair Clothing Co.

Chevrolet for Sale—490 Chevrolet, well taken care of. New top, newly painted, excellent condition. Cash only. A bargain. B.T. Payne.

Seed Irish potatoes. All kind of garden seeds at Allen-Morse Co.

From the Rockingham Post-Dispatch, Thursday, Feb. 10, 1921, page 9.

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