
Sunday, February 14, 2021

State College at Raleigh Reaches Peak With 1,049 Students, Feb. 14, 1921

State College Has Reached Its Peak

Raleigh, Feb. 14—Enrollment figures made public by E.B. Owen, registrar, show that the registration at State College has reached the highest point in the history of the institution, the total number of students enrolled for the year being 1,061. the registration for the same period one year ago was 1,049.

Agriculture leads all other courses with 413 students. Mechanical engineering has 1`94 men, electrical engineering and the textile courses follow with 158 each, and civil engineering comes next with 109. Twenty-eight are registered for the course in chemical engineering and there are 11 men taking special work in the various departments.

Of the 1,081 students registered, only 540 can be taken care of, two to a room, in the college dormitories. About 700 men have been crowded into this space by putting three and, in some cases, four men to a room. The overflow from the campus has found accommodations in private homes either in the college community or in the city.

From the Charlotte News and Evening Chronicle, Monday morning, Feb. 14, 1921. (Current enrollment at State College in Raleigh, which is now called North Carolina State University, is 34,000. Welch Hall Residence, built in 1921, is still in use. Today it's a residence for female students.)

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