
Saturday, February 27, 2021

Three Couples Wed in Concord, N.C., Feb. 27, 1921

Concord, Feb. 26—A marriage of interest and surprise was recently announced at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. A.H. Irvin, a few days ago, when a company of friends were gathered for a social evening and Rev. C.C. Myers came forward with Miss Ollie Irvin and Mr. John Jarvis and informed them that he had the honor and pleasure of uniting these young lives in matrimony a few days previous, and that they were now leaving to make their home in Danville, Va. Hearty congratulations and good wishes followed the pastor’s announcement and the couple departed for their new home.

On Tuesday afternoon at the home of Rev. T.W. Smith, Miss Ollie Goodnight, youngest daughter of Mr. W.R. Goodnight, and Mr. W.S. Hartsell were married. Mrs. Hartsell is held in high esteem by a large circle of friends in the Gilwood section, and Mr. Hartsell is a prominent farmer and a most popular young man in the same community.

A marriage of interest to a number of friends was solemnized in the Methodist Protestant church Wednesday evening when Miss Beatrice Henderson became the bride of Mr. E.M. Bain of Lillington, N.C. the church was beautiful in decorations of potted plants and holly, and the marriage spoken under a veritable canopy of flowers. Mr. R.P. Benson presides at the organ and Miss Marion Myers very beautifully and effectively sang “You.” during the ceremony “Floto’s Prayer” was softly rendered and at its close the wedding party retired from the church to the strains of Mendelssohn’s wedding march. Mr. and Mrs. Bain immediately left for Lillington, where they will make their home.

From The Charlotte News and Evening Chronicle, Sunday morning, Feb. 27, 1921

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