
Thursday, February 25, 2021

Transylvania County to Form Citizen's Telephone Company, Feb. 25, 1921

On Monday, February 21, 1921, probably the largest representative body of business men of Transylvania County ever brought together under one roof, took place in the Masonic Building over the post office.

The object was to form a Ciizens telephone company and over $17,000 worth of stock was taken at the meeting; 20 per cent of the stock celled for immediately (word obscured) something over $2,000 paid in before adjournment.

There has been rumors and rumors of rumors for many moon in regard to a new telephone company or system being organized, but although many meetings have been held and a great deal of talking energy and many brillian speeches made or spent upon the subject from time to time, nothing has ever really been done to relieve the unbearable situation untl now.

The present telephone system is absolutely impossible—no account—and is hardly considered good junk by men who have made it their business to known. Time and again committees have been appointed to interview the present telephone company’s officials in order to induce them to try to give some sort of service, but to no avail. They have been coaxed, begged, browbeaten and cussed, but the committees have always been told either in plain words or by insinuations to go to and stay put.

At last the citizens have awakened to the fact that the present owners have no intention of giving adequate service, but had really bought the present rotten system with the idea of selling to some one at a profit.

All day Monday men gathered in groups to discuss the situation with the result that over $17,000 was raised by selling stock in a new company at $100 a share; with plenty more investors wanted to get in on the ground floor.

At the meeting held at 8:30 Monday night every man attending was a stockholder.

It was decided to organize a corporation, get a charter and immediately to get busy with a brand new and first class system before the summer tourists arrive.

Jos. S. Silversteen acted as chairman of the meeting, assisted by G.E. Lathrop as Secretary.

The election of a temporary Board of Governors to draw up by-laws and do the other necessary duties took place and are composed of the following:

J.S. Bromfield, Chairman; Fred Johnson, H. Ransom, C.C. Yongue, O.L. Erwin, Cos Paston, Wm. Henry, and G.E. Lathrop as Secretary-treas.

The following is a list of stockholders:

5 shares each: J.M. Allison, S.M. Macfike, J.S. Bromfield, H.R. Walker, G.C. Kilpatrick, J.F. Norris, J.H. McLean, Thos. H. Shipman, W.M. Lyday, C.C. Youngue, W.E. Bishop & Co., O.L. Erwin, Cos Paston, Brown-Patton Co., T.J. Summey, Transylvania Tanning Co., J.A. Miller, C.H. Klueppeberg, Plummer & Trantham, W.J. Wallis, C.C. Hodges, W.S. Ashworth, L.C. Loftis, H.C. Ransom, Carr Lumber Co., T.B. Crary, Wm. Henry, George Philips.


W.C. Fortune

2 shares each:

S.F. Alllison, J.W. Burnett, F.P. Sledge, A.N. Hinton, Mrs. W.E. Shipman, R.L. Gash, Frank Jenkins, Welch |G|alloway, T.H. Galloway, Joe Hamlin, Fred Jonson, F.C. King, Wm. A. Band, Chas. P. White, A.H. King, Mrs. A.H. King, Ernest Paxton, Rosman.

One share each:

Miss Mamie Shipman, R.P. Kilpatrick, Miss Rasa Shipman, Alex. H. Kizer, G.F. Mrshall, J.P. Deaver, A.N. Jenkins, G.E. Lathrop, C.K. Osborne, E.W. Blythe, H.L. Wilson, Sid Barnett, F.D. Clement, W.Y. Thomason, W.S. Price Sr., R.H. Morrow.

From the front page of the Brevard News, Feb. 25, 1921

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