
Thursday, March 18, 2021

American Legion Post Adopting Ward of Disabled War Vets, Says T.O. McManus, March 18, 1921

Disabled War Veterans Adopted by Legion Post

To the Editor of The Journal:--

Melvin Deese Post No. 27 has just received a letter from the office of Dr. Adam Fisher, state chairman of hospitals for disabled veterans, American Legion, department of North Carolina with regard to the American Legion serving disabled veterans who are in hospitals throughout the state.

At the last meeting of the executive committee a resolution was passed that we devote just a little more of our time and earnings to our disabled ex-service men in hospitals, and as result of this each Legion post has and is going to take over one ward in some hospital in the state and look after the comfort and amusements of the disabled ex-service men in this particular ward. Melvin Deese Post No. 27 has been assigned hopsital No. 45, ward B-3, Biltmore, N.C. Miss Helen Blanton, Red Cross nurse, in charge, and we trust the people of Monroe and Union County will co-operate with us in fulfilling this worthy task.

After receiving the survey of the hospitals throughout the state, Dr. Fisher advises that games of all kinds are needed, victrolas and records in some cases, articles of wearing, handkershiefs, socks, etc. Books and magazines are needed very much, and at times things to eat—fruits, nuts and candy—would be a great help.

Dr. Fisher also urges that the ladies’ auxiliary unit be organized, if not already, but all Legion posts in the state.

Just as soon as our post hears from Miss Blanton as to the things most needed in our particular ward, this report will be published in the county papers and we hope to be able to make weekly shipments of magazines and books to these fellows and also fill the requirements mentioned by Miss Blanton. In the meantime, donations of magazines or books of any sort would be appreciated very much by the Legion, and if they could be left either with Mrs. W.A. Henderson at the Union Drug Company or brought up to the Legion club rooms located in the H.G. Nash & Company’s building west of the court house, same will be forwarded at the end of each week to our patients at Biltmore.

--T.O. McManus, Adjutant

From the Monroe Journal, Friday, March 18, 1921

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