
Thursday, March 25, 2021

Coleraine, Hickory Chapel, Winton, Ahoskie News, March 25, 1921


Mr. and Mrs. D.R. Britton motored to Raleigh last Tuesday, returning last Thursday.

Mr. K.T. Raynor went to Windsor last Tuesday.

Rev. and Mrs. Dailey of Mars Hill spent last Wednesday in town as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Harrell.

Mr. N.G. Phelps went to Ahoskie last Thursday.

Mesdames Sharpe and Jernigan and Misses Sharpe of Harrellsville were in own last Thursday.

Dr. L.A. Nowell went to Ahoskie last Thursday.

Mrs. R.B. Lineberry spent last Thursday and Friday visiting at Mill Neck and Harrellsville.

Mr. R.B. Lineberry and H.E. Wilson were visitors in Harrellsville last Thursday.

Messrs. C.B. Morris and J.E. Perry went to Windsor last Friday.

Misses Lizzie Brinkley and Mary Lineberry spent last week end in the city of Norfolk.

Mr. Grady Askew, Mrs. J.O. Askew, and daughter, of Harrellsville, were visitors in town last Friday.

The sewing club met at the home of Mrs. M.T. Wilson last Friday evening. Dainty refreshments were served.

Miss Amanda Leary visited her sister, Mrs. Dave Evans, at Harrellsville last Friday.

The “Coleraine Coons” took their minstrel to Mars Hill last Saturday where they presented it to a full house, several of the young people from here witnessing it.

Rev. Mr. Lineberry filled his regular appointments here last Saturday and Sunday, giving us fine sermons.

Mr. and Mrs. Coy Smithwick of Merry Hill spent last Sunday in town.

Mr. John A. Shaw and wife of Winton were visitors in town last Sunday.

Mr. William Myers and wife of the town of Ahoskie visited at the home of Mr. J.H. Myers last Sunday.

Mrs. Clarence Beasley spent last Monday in town.

Miss Theo Lineberry of Pittsboro is visiting at the home of her brother, R.B. Lineberry.


Mr. C.G. Slaughter made a flying trip to Whaleyville last week.

Mr. Luther Farmers spent last Saturday night with Mr. Floyd Doughtie.

Mr. and Mrs. Carol Lowe have recently moved to Ahoskie.

Several of our young folks attended the lecture given by Miss Green at Ahoskie last Thursday night.

Mrs. Jenkins from Portsmouth, Va., is spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Parker.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Wiggins spent last Sunday with her parents, Mr. And Mrs. Henry Dilday near Montgomery Hill.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd C. Dilday and Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Dilday motored over to Menola Sunday afternoon to see Mrs. Mary Brown.

Mrs. H.T. Dilday has been on the sick list for several days. We hope she may soon recover.


Dr. and Mrs. W.B. Pollard were in Norfolk last week end to see Dr. Pollard’s mother, Mrs. B.G. Pollard.

Misses Lillian Shaw and Louise Vann were in Suffolk shopping Tuesday.

Mrs. R.E. Storey, daughter, Marguerite, and Mr. D.P. Storey were in Woodland last Sunday to see their parents.

Mr. J.T. Rhodes spent several days last week in Washington.

Mr. A.S. Mitchell left Monday for Greensboro where he will be for several days.

Mr. M.R. Herring and Miss Ruth Vann were in Suffolk Wednesday doing their spring shopping.

Mr. C.W. Carter and son, Charlie, went to Norfolk Monday to attend the burial of Mr. Carter’s brother, Mr. W.H. Atkinson.

Mrs. A.P. Hines and little son, Frank, left last Friday for Wallace, where they will visit Mrs. Hines’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ward.

Mr. W.M. Eley went to Washington last Saturday to see his wife, who has just undergone an operation in the Washington hospital. Mrs. Eley is improving rapidly.

Mr. Robert Vann of Suffolk was at home last week end.

Miss Bertie Northcott, a member of the faculty at Menola, spent last week end here with her brother and sister, Misses Lizzie Jones and Annie Mae Pearce spent last Sunay in Woodland, the guests of Mrs. J.P. Griffin.

Rev. A.P. Mustian filled his regular appointments at the Baptist church last Sunday morning and evening.

Mrs. I.V. Turner from Washington and formerly of Winton, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. B.B. Pearce, returned home Wednesday.

Messrs. Robert Britton and Davis Day from Murfreesboro were in town Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Clyde Northcott of the Chowan and Roanoke Telephone Co., Colerain, was in town Monday afternoon.

Attorney W.D. Boone was in Windsor Tuesday on legal business.

In a rough and tumble game of basketball at Gatesville on Tuesday, the Gatesville high school team defeated the boys of the Winton school by the score of 12 to 15. This was the second game between these two teams, Winton easily defeating Gatesville in the first by the score of 20 to 7. A third game is under consideration.

The pupils of the music department of the school, under the direction of Mrs. J.G. Newsome, are giving a series of public recitals which are being greatly enjoyed.


Mr. J.O. Jenkins of Aulander was in town Sunday.

Attorney R.C. Bridger spent some time in Ahoskie Tuesday.

Mr. H.S. Basnight was in Suffolk Wednesday on business.

Mr. J.L. Snipes of Menola was a visitor in Ahoskie tuesday.

Miss E. Bazemore4 was a visitor in Lewiston the past week end.

Rev. R.B. Lineberry of Colerain was a visitor in Ahoskie Monday.

Mrs. R.C. Mason of Harrellsville visited friends in Ahoskie Tuesday.

Sheriff Bismark Scull of Harrellsville spent Wednesday in Ahoske.

Mr. C.A. Northcott of Colerain spent Monday in Ahoskie on business.

Commissioner J.M. Eley of Menola was a visitor to Ahoskie on Tuesday.

Mr. Claude Greene spent Monday and Tuesday in Richmond, Va., on business.

County Demonstrator Herbert L. Miller of Winston was in Ahoskie on Tuesday.

Mr. L.T. Sumner spent a short while in Harrellsville and Winton on Tuesday.

Mr. S.C. Vann of Murfreesboro was a business visitor to Ahoskie on last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Taylor of Harrellsville spent Sunday afternoon here with relatives.

Mr. C.W. Spruill, prominent politician of Bertie County, was in Ahoskie last Sunday.

Messrs. Malcolm Burke and Stanley Vinson spent Wednesday in Suffolk on business.

Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Rives left last week for their former home in the town of Enfield.

Messrs. D.C. Barnes and Fred Parker of Murfreesboro were in Ahoskie last Friday afternoon.

President Preston S. Vann of Chowan College spent a short while Sunday afternoon in Ahoskie.

Miss Sarah Applebaum of Baltimore is visiting her brother, Mr. S.M. Applebaum, at this city.

Attorney Jno. E. Vann and Commissioner E.H. Eure of Winton were visitors in Ahoskie Tuesday.

Mr. Johnson, manager of the Coca-Cola bottling works at Kelford, was a visitor in Ahoskie Monday.

Messrs. A.J. Holland and E.T. Batten of Holland, Va., were the guests of friends in Ahoskie last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Hersey Sewell of the town of Winsor spent Monday night in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Leary.

Mrs. F.S. Jernigan, Miss Janie Sharpe, and Mr. Hunter Sharpe of Harrellsville were visitors in Ahoskie Monday.

Mrs. Fred Vinson has returned to her home here after spending several days with relatives and friends in Norfolk.

Mrs. A.C. Williams of Harrellsville is the guest of her daughters, Mrs. A.W. Greene and Mrs. Hallie Baker this week.

Mr. W.H. Miller returned Tuesday from Drivers, Va., where he has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. W.J. Doughtie.

Miss Agnes Baker of Gastonia was in Ahoskie Wednesday. She also became a member of our Honor Roll while in town.

Mrs. A. Lee Copeland and little boy left Monday for Dendron, Va., where they will visit Mrs. Copeland’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Hart.

Mrs. Starkie Hart of Ayden arrived in Ahoskie to spend a week or 10 days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Alexander.

Mr. John O. Askew Jr. of Harrellsville was in Ahoskie a short while on Monday morning, en route to Norfolk to attend the Automobile show.

nd Mrs. Edd Gatling and Miss Pearl Myers were visitors in Ahoskie for a few hours Monday, on their way to Norfolk and Suffolk, respectively.

Mr. Willie Derring, who has been visiting in the home of Mrs. S.H. Leary for the past 10 days, left here Monday for Dentron, Va., to visit relatives.

From the Hertford County Herald, Ahoskie, N.C., March 25, 1921

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